Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Sneaky Visitor

Today started out just like any other day at school. We wrote our morning message in our planners, we talked a little bit about our expectations for Halloween and even completed a writing activity. This was just about the time when things got a little interesting. We decided to visit Mr. Mallinson's class to do a little Halloween poem writing but when we returned to class...

...the Candy Corn Bandit had been in our room and had taken all of our Halloween treats. In place of the treats was this little guy (see above), a note and some activity books with instructions for making predictions.
Where could he have taken our candy?
Was it in the library, the gym, in the school yard????
We quickly made our prediction and recorded them in the books the Candy Corn Bandit had left for us.

The only way to find out if our predictions were correct was to follow the clues left throughout the school by the Candy Corn Bandit himself.  The first clue had us turning our classroom upside down. We finally found the second clue taped to the bottom of a table. The second clue took us all the way to the gym, The third clue had us searching the playground and the fourth clue took us into the library. After reading the fifth and final clue, we predicted that the treats would be back in our class and when we got there.....
Yay! Success!
All our hard work paid off!
Our treats were safe and sound, ready for Halloween day!
Keep your eyes and ears opened. Halloween isn't over yet and you never know when he might come back for another visit or adventure.
Happy Halloween!
-Mrs. Singh


  1. This was a great activity. Our guy talked about ALL night and was so excited. You should have heard the enthusiasm in his voice!!

  2. That is so awesome. You should have seen the kids at school. By the end of recess, I am sure they had the entire school working together to solve the mystery. I loved that they totally cooperated even though they were overwhelmed with excitement. Just wait until Christmas. A certain candy cane thief might be making an appearance.
