Monday, December 10, 2012

No Luck.... Santa's Stuck

Fifteen days until Christmas!!! Seriously? This month is just flying by. We have two weeks of school left until our break and we are definitely into the full swing of Christmas. The lights are up throughout the classroom, desks have been decorated, we have read at least 2 or more Christmas themed picture books a day, and a little elf seems to be popping up in our classroom daily.

One of the many stories we read today was called Santa's Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene. In this story, Santa has eaten too many treats and when he tries to leave a home after enjoying milk, cookies, and more, he gets stuck in the chimney. The reindeer on the roof try to pull him up, but no luck -  Santa’s stuck. He calls for help and awakens the dog. The dog pushes Santa’s bottom, while the reindeer pull, but no luck - Santa’s stuck. The cat and her kittens come to help and push, but no luck -  Santa is still stuck. It takes a mouse and a toy bulldozer to get the job done.

The students loved the story and thought it would be a great idea to create a play based on this story. Tomorrow we will be bringing out our dramatic acting skills and perform the story, first to each other and maybe, just maybe, to some of the other classes. I will definitely be posting some photos of their work.

See you all tomorrow!
Mrs. Singh

1 comment:

  1. We could write our own versions of No luck, Santa's stuck, using a rhyming couplet as a refrain: No way, cat's away. It was a great show.
    Thanks for sharing it with our class.
    Mr. M
