Monday, November 5, 2012

Remembrance Day

This week we will be learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. I started by reading one of my favourite books aloud to the class. A Poppy Is to Remember calls to mind the rich symbolism of the poppy we wear so proudly on Remembrance Day... lest we forget.
Last week, we worked with our big buddies in division 2 to create a Remembrance Day wreath. We will be presenting our wreath at our school Remembrance Day assembly this Thursday afternoon. We will also be singing a song called "Peace In My Heart".
Our Remembrance Day Wreath
created by students in
Divisions 2 and 4

Remembrance Day Poppy Pictures
 by students in
 Division 4
Over the past few weeks, we've been learning about healthy eating practices as described in Canada’s Food Guide. We have learned to identify many different kinds of foods and classify them into the four major food groups. These food groups have included the dairy group, grain group, meat and alternatives, and fruits / vegetables. Today, we completed a balanced meal craftivity to demonstrate our learning. Students were required to create a healthy lunch that included at least one item from each of the four major food groups. After they had brainstormed their ideas, they drew and coloured their meals and then proceeded to cut them out and glue them on a paper bag to display. I quickly circulated the room to make sure their meals were balanced, and I am happy to report that everyone completed their projects perfectly.
A balance meal bulletin board display
a few close-ups.
- Mrs. Singh

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! Love the balanced meal idea and the Remembrance Day activities are awesome. We will never forget.
