Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where Is Mrs.Singh?

I stayed pretty late after school on Friday to decorate our classroom doors and get them ready for family literacy day this week. Thank goodness I did, because on Saturday I caught something awful. The dreaded FLU. UGH! So for the past couple days, I have been quarantined to my home, which is why I have not been at school these last few days. Hopefully I will be well enough to make it back for tomorrow and we can get started on some of the other fun literacy activities I had planned for the week. Speaking of which, I hope everyone is planning on coming dressed-up as their favourite character from a book. I have a few ideas, I just need to narrow them down to one.

In the meantime, our spelling pattern this week is the consonant digraph /th/. I uploaded our spelling lists to Spellingcity.com for some extra practice and fun games. Hopefully everyone received their lists in their spelling journals. I made sure these were ready to go before I left on Friday. 

Hope you are enjoying your week and hopefully I will see everyone tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. We've missed you!! Hopefully you are better and back tomorrow!!
